Morning Mindset
For my son, Matty. Always remember,
there's nothing you can't achieve!!!
Monday 9/30/24
Andrew Huberman
In this episode, I describe how your brain and body are fundamentally wired to perceive and respond to music and how those responses can be leveraged to improve your mood, allow for processing sad emotions and enhance learning and performance. I explain the data showing how music can increase motivation for cognitive or physical work, what specific music has been shown to enhance cognitive performance, and whether silence or music is more effective in enhancing focus while studying. I also discuss how specific musical pieces can rapidly reduce anxiety, as well as certain prescription medications. I explain how listening to certain types of music can improve various health metrics (e.g., heart rate). Finally, I discuss how music helps to enhance neuroplasticity (rewiring of brain connections), thereby improving learning and memory. Whether you sing, play an instrument or enjoy listening to music, this episode provides numerous science-informed tools for using music to enhance productivity, mood, emotional states, and overall enjoyment of life.
Monday 9/09/24
Codie Sanchez / Impact Theory
In today’s episode we explore the mind of Codie Sanchez, a successful business investor and entrepreneur who has built top-tier success turning “boring” companies into a financial empire.
Discover how Codie broke free from small thinking to create a life of wealth and prosperity. She believes that the difference between being broke and being a billionaire is a set of ideas. Through her unique perspective and strategies, she provides an instruction manual for success that you can apply in your own life. We further unravel Codie's gateway to success - a simple idea executed brilliantly, turning boring businesses into gold mines.
This is a testament to her belief that everyone can achieve massive success by discarding the unnecessary and focusing on what truly matters. “I don't acquire money because I want Lamborghinis and fancy things. I do it because I think it is a way to freedom, because it is a tool for power.” -Codie Sanchez
Monday 8/19/24
Jocko Willink
Jocko Podcast 377: Don't Do Dumb SH*T.
One of the simplest and most impactful little pieces of advice for success in life is, "Don't Do Dumb sh*t". Avoid things that may make you do dumb things. Like alcohol, drugs, out of control ego, peer pressure, and many others. With Jocko Willink and Echo Charles.
Monday 7/29/24
David Goggins
Freedom of speech is one of the best things about this country. Sadly, a lot of us are losing the ability to speak freely because of the thin-skin a lot of us are developing.
Once you gain self-esteem, you don’t care what people say or think about you because you know the truth about yourself. That said, I do know where the lack of self-esteem comes from.
Today I was out running and this guy pulled up beside me and started running his mouth. I am not like a lot of you- I love when a motherfucker runs his mouth because it gives me a chance to run my mouth right back!
What people say about me doesn’t offend or upset me, but what I might say about your ass will definitely offend you! I go straight to the heart of the problem.
I once suffered from a lot of issues and it caused a lot of jealousies and insecurities. Once I fixed those issues and was honest with myself, I was able to overcome my insecurity and jealousy.
Moral of the story: stop being so offended by what people are saying. You're putting too much value in another person’s opinion.
Stay hard!
Monday 7/08//24
Gary Vaynerchuk
Enjoyment, being content , smiling , less anxiety … not monetary things … having more joyful days versus more homes and cars … doing a career and a job you love … is what we should all aim for and living within the means of that salary or profit is the blueprint to more happiness.
Monday 6/17/24
Tom Bilyeu
Get very good at ignoring that impulse.
Monday 5/27/24
Tom Bilyeu
I love this quote so much, because it is so damn true. It’s all about how you feel about yourself when you’re by yourself. It’s about service and falling in love with pushing yourself past the breaking point to get better every damn day. Ironically enough, fulfillment is born out of suffering with a purpose.
Monday 5/06/24
Les Brown
It was always a question of what you were willing to do. There were no guarantees in life, but if you were willing to put in the work, you could achieve anything.
You can be anything that you want to be in this life. You are the only one who can set your limits and determine your level of success. If you want something bad enough, then put in the work and make it happen. There is no magic secret or get-rich-quick scheme; it takes time, effort and perseverance. But it’s worth it, because you are in control of your own destiny. So don’t wait any longer, start working towards your dreams today!
Monday 4/15/24
David Goggins
It doesn’t matter if you are the laziest person or the most driven person in the world, people are always going to find fault in you.
You make some people feel better about themselves when you are in the dungeon. They can even offer advice on how you can improve your life.
While some are well-intended, beware that many others are not. They are giving you advice to put themselves on a level above you while hoping you will never truly achieve what you can. They play the good friend role until you start to surpass them. Then your evolution poses a threat to them and their insecurities spark hate. That dirty mirror they are looking into becomes real as fuck.
Don’t let that other people’s insecurities get in the way of your success. Some people just don’t want things badly enough to do the work necessary to get there so when you achieve beyond what they even thought was possible, it sparks the hate!
Remember, there is enough food for everyone to eat!
Monday 3/25/24
Tom Bilyeu
The ideas you soak in the most are as important as the people you spend time with.
Curate your social feeds, your library, and your YouTube playlists well.
It’s shocking how much what you think most about will shape both the form and function of your mind.
Monday 3/04/24
Lisa Bilyeu
Save this as a reminder!
Monday 2/12/24
Jody Stanislaw
Sugar is Not a Treat
Sugar is hiding everywhere in today’s widely-accepted diet, but meanwhile its devastating effects are creating more deaths than automobile accidents. In this eye-opening talk, Dr. Jody Stanislaw, a Naturopathic Doctor who has been studying the negative effects of sugar since being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 7, dives into how the widespread negative effects of sugar are effecting us all, and what you can do about it.
Monday 1/22/24
Tom Bilyeu
People don’t have to like you and you don’t have to care ~ unknown
Not sure if Tupac actually said this, but it’s still “fire”
Monday 1/01/24
Trent Shelton
Remove Toxic People From Your Life
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