Morning Mindset

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Friday 12/30/22

Tom Bilyeu / Impact Theory

How To Achieve SUCCESS FASTER Than 99% Of People

Friday 12/16/22

Tom Bilyeu / Impact Theory

There is nothing better than having respect for yourself.⁣

Friday 12/02/22

Tom Bilyeu / Impact Theory

Stop BEATING Yourself Up, Make BIG Changes, & Achieve Your Goals

Friday 11/18/22

David Goggins

We must move away from mediocrity.

I don’t know how many times I have awakened and not wanted to do the things I know I needed to do. A lot of you out here are trying to achieve certain goals – lose weight, run a marathon, do better in school, etc. That perfect day won’t always be there when you want to do all the things you need to do in order to move forward towards your goal.

While those feelings are normal on your less than perfect days, it is critical that we move past those feelings. We don’t have a lot of time on this planet so we must utilize all the precious time that we do have.

On those days when you don’t want to get after it for a multitude of reasons, it is very important to do even more than initially planned. We are training our minds to push beyond our feelings, to not give in to that whiney, weaker self that lies within each and every one of us.

We all have that devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other especially during those early morning wake up calls when that bed is warm and the pillow is soft. 9 times out of 10 the voice that is telling you that it is ok to bag that day is usually the wrong voice.

We must fight with all we have to achieve the very things we want to achieve. Just know that things are not going to get easier, you need to get harder!

Stay hard!

Friday 11/04/22

Roger Seheult / Impact Theory

The DAILY HACKS To Improve Sleep, PREVENT DISEASE & Live Longer!

Friday 10/21/22

Tom Bilyeu

I have been thinking a lot about decision-making. What this has revealed to me is that much of my success has hinged on my ability to learn from mistakes and develop a system earned from those mistakes to make better decisions.

⁣You cannot be a passive observer in your life (be it business, relationship, etc.). By adopting that mindset you will let the world happen to you. Your mistakes will be seen as punishments the world has set upon you. You must instead claim authority over your life and run headfirst into living. Make mistakes. Learn. Keep running forward. This is the only way I have discovered to get the life you want.

Friday 10/07/22

Tony Robbins / Impact Theory

Tony Robbins Teaches You How to BREAK Your Negative Thinking and CHANGE Your Life For GOOD

Friday 9/23/22

David Goggins

A lot of people follow me because they are struggling with something in their lives. I am relatable because I have been through a lot of similar situations and tough times.

One situation was that I was fat. While I worked out a lot lifting heavy weights, I wasn’t happy with how I looked with my shirt off. The times I would try to run, my waistband would be so tight that my love-handles would hang over even more and jiggle as I attempted to run. The thing that bothered me the most was that I had humongous man boobs and every time I ran, there would be heavy bouncing going on and this is not the same bouncing that happens when someone has a nice muscular chest! I wanted to change my life circumstance and I did.

Many of you reach out to me telling me that you want to lose a specific amount of weight in a certain amount of time.

My first question to you is what have you been doing so far? 99% of the time the answer is “I haven’t started yet.”

I ask the question already knowing the answer. You have allowed yourself to wake up every morning and look at yourself in the mirror and not like what you see. This goes on for days, weeks, months and sometimes even years.

But you email me like it was a eureka moment. No, that is not how it works!!When you have gained weight and you are fat and don’t like how you look, there is no eureka moment. Very few of us are genetically predisposed to truly be unable to lose weight due to a true medical/health issue. For those of you who to whom that applies, I am not talking to you.

The sad but true reality is that most people are just lazy. I have people emailing me asking me how to lose weight as they are eating their sixth snack of the day and washing it down with their 800-calorie-flavored-coffee concoction! Yeah I know all too well how good that shit tastes!

But, if you truly wanted to lose the weight, you would be emailing me saying “I have already lost 30lbs, looking to see how to break that plateau where I have been stuck.”

While there are countless methods to losing weight, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know one thing. How you get started is to simply push away that shitty food (and we all know what shitty food is!) and burn more calories than you take in. You don’t just wake up one morning fat. It happens over a period of time as you know. It’s just most of you who are overweight have done nothing about it.

The choice is yours to make- eat shit and don’t workout, you will look like shit OR you can eat better, make the choice to workout and look better. Either way the choice is yours. This shit ain’t fun. It’s a necessity so stop asking questions and burn some fucking calories!

Friday 9/09/22

Apolo Ohno / Impact Theory

How to Embrace CHANGE and Find PURPOSE with The World’s Most Decorated Winter Olympian

Friday 8/26/22

Marie Forleo

Ever worried that you’re not working hard enough? Or feel overwhelmed, overstretched, and overcommitted? If so, you might be “hustling” your way straight to burnout city.

Please don’t believe the hype. Hustling 24/7/365 is *not* sustainable or smart! ⁣

Yes, growing anything from the ground up takes time. Yes, great work requires effort and consistency. But driving yourself into the ground is not the answer. Pushing yourself to produce non-stop is toxic for your health, your sanity, and your business. ⁣

YOU are your most important business asset!! Work *smarter* — not harder.

Friday 8/12/22

David Goggins / Impact Theory

Become A Savage & Live On Your Own Terms

Friday 7/29/22

Gary Vaynerchuk

Three Ingredients to Success: Ambition, Gratitude + Patience

Friday 7/15/22

Danica Patrick / Impact Theory

I Was Blown Away by This Quote About Winning (First 60 Seconds)

Friday 7/01/22

David Goggins

Be who you want to be and who you are, not who they want you to be!

Don’t lose yourself in trying to be liked by everybody! There are so many people who don’t like me for a multitude of reasons. You need to learn that that is ok. You need to have the mindset of “take a number and get in line.” While you are not trying to piss people off, it’s inevitable that when you are not trying to be liked and just trying to be you, some people will not like it. If you stand for something and believe in something passionately, again, you will piss people off. But once again, that is ok.

Stand for what you believe in and who you are vs trying to be universally liked and popular. Your goals, dreams and ambitions will be compromised if you don’t stay true to you! It’s important that you live this way at all costs!

Stay hard!

Friday 6/17/22

Les Brown / Impact Theory

He Explains in 51 Seconds Everything That’s Holding You Back

Friday 6/03/22

Marie Forleo

When I was a kid, adults asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I always had *at least* 7 answers :)⁠⁣


After a lot of struggle and frustration in my early 20s, I finally let go of trying to fit into society’s narrow definition of career success and decided to create my own. When the phrase, “Multipassionate Entrepreneur” dropped into my mental theater, it was a gift from the Career Gods!

Friday 5/20/22

Dame Dash / Impact Theory

Dame Dash Shares His SECRETS For Success, Philosophy on Life, & Overcoming the Odds

Friday 5/06/22

Marie Forleo

When I say the word “money,” what’s the first emotion that comes up for you?⁣

⁣If you feel fear, guilt, uncertainty, anxiety, stress, or shame, you are NOT alone.

Friday 4/22/22

Jocko Willink / Impact Theory

Jocko Willink Explains Respect, Influence and Leadership

Friday 4/08/22

Tom Bilyeu / Impact Theory

Watching someone build themselves up from a loss is so powerful. ⁣

Why? Because it reminds us that it doesn’t matter where we start or how hard we fall. ⁣What matters is putting in the work to get better. ⁣

We are capable of such radical change, and there is a voice in our head screaming for us to push ourselves. ⁣

And when we listen to that voice and drag ourselves inch by inch towards the extraordinary our entire story about who we are changes.⁣

Friday 3/25/22

Marie Forleo / Impact Theory

Why Even Your Failures Are Just Opportunities to Learn

Friday 3/11/22

Les Brown

Dare to dream big, but don’t forget to take the small steps.⁣

Friday 2/25/22

Trent Shelton / Impact Theory

If You Feel Fear or Anxiety, Listen to This

Friday 2/11/22

Jocko Willink

How to Get Over Break Ups and Betrayal

Friday 1/28/22

Nick Santonastasso / Impact Theory

No Matter How Broken You Are, He Explains How to Get Whole

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